The deal with your Culture Hustle delivery


We make shit hot materials and you want to use them in your work.

You're not the only one.

Brave artists love our paint and it always sells out.

We just can’t make stuff fast enough to keep up with demand.

This means you need to be patient because you will need to wait. Sometimes a couple of days, sometimes a couple weeks and on rare occasions a couple of months. 

We guarantee you'll get your paint. We can't guarantee when.

Don't email us about it. Our time is better spent making the stuff and innovating so we can elevate your art.

If you're cool with that, we promise it's always worth the wait. Our colours will take your art higher than Shaun Ryder in Ibiza.

If you can't wait a few weeks, Culture Hustle isn't for you. Here's a link to Amazon.